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5 Ways To Step Up Your Houseplant Game: Spring Edition

Make good use of more time at home by making sure your houseplants are ready for spring! Time to get your hands muddy and get ready for your plants to flourish in your home! Here’s how you can prep your plants: 1. Adjust watering cycles Just like in the winter when you water your houseplants…

How To Grow An Avocado

Growing an avocado from a seed can be a bit of a waiting game and growing them in colder climates can be tricky, but it is doable. I would know, I’ve grown them myself. Some of my friends in Winnipeg have also had success growing them and I think you can too! I started growing…

Why You Should Dust Your Houseplants

If you’ve ever walked through a greenhouse and seen someone cleaning the plants, you may have wondered why. I mean, should we really clean our plants? They grow in soil and get water. What more do they need? Despite houseplants growing in soil, it’s actually important for you to clean your houseplants on a regular…

Care Tips for Your Air Plants

Would this even be a plant blog if I didn’t talk about air plants at least once? Arguably the easiest to care for, the air plant is a small plant that is perfect for any room design. Unlike other plants, air plants don’t need soil. They thrive almost entirely off of sunlight and water. Here…

5 Tips to Keeping Your Orchid Alive

I’m sure many of us have heard of how difficult it is to care for orchids. People (myself included) tend to either over or under water them, not give them enough sunlight, etc. Or maybe you do everything by the book and your orchid still doesn’t make it. The whole experience can deter gardeners from…

Love Is In The Air (And Your Garden)

Valentine’s Day is around the corner and for some of us that means getting chocolates or roses from significant others and for others it means treating ourselves to something nice. While roses might be the first plant-related gift you think of getting around this time of year, it’s also good to try and change things…


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